Stichting WELnu has unfortunately ceased its activities. Here is an overview of the time they were active.

About Stichting WELnu

Stichting WELnu is a foundation, working as an innovation platform for Dutch Healthcare and Welfare. As such, it does start up projects with the potential to innovate and improve the Dutch Healthcare and Welfare system. It is located in Amsterdam and works nationwide in the whole of the Netherlands.

Dutch Healthcare and Welfare is perpetually changing and adapting to modern needs. The historical collective insurance system has transformed into an individual and market-steered one under the influence of globalisation, economics and modernism. The basic values of community are still in place however, because Healthcare and Welfare are built on that. Stichting WELnu recognises that this community needs to be the basis for innovation and adaptation of Dutch Healthcare and Welfare to work properly. Reason why Stichting WELnu builds on a bottom up platform for innovation, where all those community ideas and developments can proof themselves as strong and solid pillars.

Stichting WELnu is founded in 2012 and has three programms as pillars:

  1. Het Nieuwe Zorgwerken (HNZ): regional support for volunteers in 4 steps (activate, support, educate and introduce) for Dutch Healthcare and Welfare organisations.
  2. Zorgruil (NALC Holland): transforming the Japanese system of earning points by doing volunteering work for Dutch Healthcare and Welfare organisations and private persons who need their support. And putting those points to use for support of themselves and their families.
  3. Timebanking: a system of exchanging social and supporting activities for other people through translation of time into points. Thus enforcing Dutch communities to grow stronger and more active.  Every programm has a board member as a programm director.

    If interested, you can contact the following persons:
    • Chairman of the board Ton MIllenaar, representative of NALC Holland
    • Treasurerer of the board Annette Molkenboer, programm director of Timebanking
    • Secretary of the board, Joost Hoekman, programm director of HNZ  

Stichting WELnu is a non-profit network organisation, inviting all the interested organisations to innovate Dutch Healthcare and Welfare with us:
• Centralized and local governments
• Healthcare organisations
• Welfare organisations
• Cultural organisations
• Specialist companies

WELnu: Let’s make the Netherlands healthy and strong together!