なかやま教子 Kyoko Nakayama
I started volunteering in the Netherlands because of a mental illness in my Japanese family. I lived far away from my family in Japan, and even though I wanted to do something, I felt like there was little I could do to help. In the midst of all this, I thought that even if I couldn’t help directly, by doing volunteer work in the Netherlands, I might be able to help indirectly …at least in some way. Just like…
“It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.”
Shortly after NALC was established I became a member, and I continued to volunteer, but to be honest I have not made much use of NALC’s system. I’m just starting to use the system, but if I can actually make good use of this time entrustment system, I’m sure that direct person-to-person help will be activated across countries. I have been asked to become a board member from 2023, and from now on I will be able to help members who are just like me, or serve as a bridge between Japanese people living in the Netherlands who want to volunteer, and Dutch society. And help Japanese people who help each other. Well, personally I would like to try just “What you can, When you can, and Where you can”..